Tuesday, May 4, 2010

May Day

Last weekend our club held a swap meet and show and shine. The swap meet was a smash hit and with the exception of the periodic cloud cover and wind, we had a great time at the show and shine too. Oh, and by the way—if you are ever trying to get to Lakeview Park in Nampa, Idaho, don’t Google it. If you do, you’ll wind up in a cul-de-sac in South Nampa and will be late arriving to the real Lakeview Park. Not that I would know from experience or anything.

I didn't much feel like breaking out the ol' camera, so I (again) borrowed pictures from my fellow VW drivers. The photos on the grass were taken by Dustin Wark whose photography skills I greatly admire and who was nice enough to humor me by photographing my dirty bus...who you may notice has a new addition--safari windows!!