On Monday night, Craig started removing the dash from the blue bus in preparation for painting. We had planned to remove it and then replace it with the one from the ’72, which looked much nicer. Craig had suggested using ArmorAll to see if the dash would clean up, but I was confident that we should bail. We were hesitant to use the newer dash because we are trying to maintain originality where it is feasible, but it seemed like the best thing to do. On my way home on Tuesday, I called Craig and he said he had a surprise, so I thought for sure he had finished removal of the dash. When I got home, I was incredibly and pleasantly surprised to find that he had cleaned up the dash in the ’68 and it looks freaking fantastic. I was totally floored. (Okay, we're still missing the radio, but you know, minor detail, right?)
4 days ago
I have that slight red tint around the golvebox as well. Dash looks great!
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