We got BB’s interior all put together just in time for us to change our minds and decide to make her a camper. So…I guess we’ll be taking those seats back out after all.
We recently acquired this:
(and all of the other pertinent pieces of the bottom end of a 1600 dual port) and are planning to have it machined and bored and all of the other things of which I only partially understand the definitions that involve making this a happy, smooth, 1776 (or 1835, or 1915 we haven’t totally agreed 100% yet) engine. We’ve also got most of the top end sitting in a very unsightly pile of VW parts in the corner of our garage. Since it will take several weeks to get the engine ready to be put back together, we figured that we might as well get going (again) on the interior in the meantime.
We took yesterday afternoon off and made a trip to the Bug Ranch. After hopping in a truck (which incidentally had a shovel in the bed) in the middle of the desert, not a VW (or anything else) in sight, with a rather, how shall I say this…eccentric gentleman, I was quite relieved when we actually arrived at the junkyard and saw that we were going to be able to take home quite a few useful parts and pieces. Rick--the owner of the Bug Ranch turned out to be very accommodating and helpful and we were glad to have made the trip.
We strapped our new pop top onto the top of Jasmine and filled her up with almost everything we need to get BB camper worthy again.
As you can see, the “clean” side of our garage is taking a hiatus from its traditional function.
4 days ago
Impressive. You guys don't waste time!
Where is Bug Ranch?
I would love to visit!
The owner's name is Rick and his phone number is 208-250-2870. He is available by appointment only.
He'd have to give you exact directions as I can't remember them :-) but it is basically located here (between Boise and Mountain Home in the middle of the desert off of Simco Road): http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=&daddr=Simco+Rd&hl=en&geocode=FW9ilQIdRrMW-Q&mra=mr&sll=43.514697,-116.240845&sspn=0.730996,1.229095&ie=UTF8&ll=43.380099,-116.098022&spn=0.732624,1.229095&t=k&z=10
Looks like about 8 hours from here (I'm located in Vancouver, WA)
So maybe when I get out that way I'll try to setup a appointment :)
BTW - are you guys going to the
Dubtoberfest on Oct 3?
I REALLY want to go to Dubtoberfest. Craig can't go and most of the Bus Pilots are leaving Friday morning--I have to work Friday.
So in answer to your question--I'm not sure, but I'm hoping to go!
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