We had such a good time that I almost cried when we got home yesterday. We had two reasons for being happy to be home 1) we missed our cat (I mean cats--plural--yeah, we totally missed you too Couch), and 2) you can‘t pump your own gas in Oregon, which we don‘t particularly enjoy.
At the beginning of our trip, we decided to stop at every feasible, Dairy Queen that we passed and get a Dilly Bar because, well, we like doing random things. This proved to be great fun until we saw three Dairy Queens within about an hour. I swear that forth one did not exist. It was a Wendy’s, I’m sure of it.
This trip was awesome because we had NO plans. Well, we had the plan to get to the Oregon coast and we had to be home for work this morning, but other than that, NO plans. We had really good luck with lodging, three nights for $46--not bad, eh? We also learned that with premium gas, a tailwind, and a downhill stretch, Penny will go 80 mph . We also learned that when they say there is dense fog going over Meacham summit, they mean DENSE. We estimated 10 ft visibility…of course, that may have been in part due to our oh so lovely headlights which Craig swears you can’t tell whether they are on or off.
Here's the trip in pictures.