Sunday, January 10, 2010

One down, three to go

I just finished upholstering the front passenger seat back.   Seriously guys, I don't exaggerate. My entire body is shaking from the strain of pulling the bottom of the cover up over the frame. I'm bleeding in two places. My pants are ripped.

The good news is that I was successful. I was planning to finish both seats up today but first, I rather pathetically need a rest. Second, I thought that 8ft of wire would be enough to run through the hems of all four seat covers. (I guarantee you that my husband is laughing at me right now as I'm notoriously bad at estimating distances) 8ft was plenty for one seat cover; not two and definitely not four. Third, I've got to start cooking wontons for the Bus Pilots board meeting tonight. Yum.



Blogger said...

Nicely Done!

Love to see the rest when they are finished :)


Anonymous said...

Looks Awesome! :)