Friday, February 5, 2010

I spent the entire snowy season this winter driving around without a driver’s side wiper praying for good weather. Now that we’re into (mostly) rainy season, I have a couple of tips to share.

1) Rain-Ex. Our friend Alex shared this with us and wow does it work. The only down-side is that watching the raindrops bead up and run off of the windshield is really mesmerizing. Not sure whether driving in a trance is safer or more dangerous than driving without proper visibility.

2) New wiper blades and wiper arm replacements. Okay, I guess that’s not a tip or a trick so much as it is regular auto maintenance. Our driver’s side wiper arm had submitted its letter of resignation, so we bought a pair of new arms from Wolfsburg West (because they only sell them in pairs) and also bought a pair of new blades as ours weren’t blades as much as they were hard, stubby, broken rubber sorry excuses for anything.

One thing I enjoy about the new blades is that they’ve got the WW logo stamped on them—as you can see (or not see due to the crappy quality of the picture) but that makes me smile during my drive home.

Let’s hear it for proper safety precautions!


Big Blue's Driver said...

Oh, I need to do the rainex thing for sure...